Mission Statement of the Coalition to Save the Catskill Preserve
The Coalition to Save the Catskill Preserve is a network composed of regional, statewide and nationally concerned citizens and organizations who are dedicated to protecting The Catskill Forest Preserve.
The Coalition was established in 2021 to oppose a corporate proposal to seize regional housing through eminent domain and undertake development that would have a serious negative impact on the communities and residents of the region and the natural resources that are the centerpiece of the Catskill Preserve. The Coalition was successful in organizing a community voice to force a withdrawal of that proposal.
Moving forward, the Coalition will monitor relevant proposals, along with Local, State and Federal laws and regulations, to determine the impact upon the people and environment of the Catskill region. When necessary, the Coalition will reconvene its network to educate and organize the larger community and to advocate with government and elected officials on behalf of saving the Catskill Preserve.
We are united by our devotion to the people, environment, wildlife, recreation, and cultural heritage that is unique to this region. We are committed to working to protect the lives of people who live in the region and the ecology and history of the Catskill Forest for present and future generations.
As settlers to this region, the Coalition acknowledges the Lenape Nation that guarded the land and water on which we gather, since time immemorial.