FERC Proposal for the Ashokan Pumped Storage Hydro Facility“
Note from the Town of Olive:
The Town of Olive was recently made aware of a Preliminary Permit application entitled the Ashokan Pumped Storage Project currently before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). We received a public notification letter of the project from Town of Ulster Supervisor Jim Quigley who forwarded it to us on February 18. The town had no prior knowledge of the FERC application nor any prior communication with the applicant, Premium Energy of Walnut, CA. NYC DEP has since been in communication with the town and assured us they had received no prior notification of the proposal either. As you can imagine, this was alarming news for us to receive especially in such a blindsided fashion.
Comments by the public, of up to 6,000 characters, can be sent to FERC at the link below regarding the Premium Energy Holdings LLC Preliminary Permit application for the Ashokan Pumped Storage Project . Please refer to docket P-15056 in your comments. Comments will only be accepted up to April 12, 2021.
Project Docket: P-15056
To Post Comments to FERC: https://ferconline.ferc.gov/QuickComment.aspx
Regarding the application below: